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REVAMPED is now on sale!

It's here! It's here! After waiting for so long, my full-length contemporary paranormal romance Revamped is finally released. The book is about a vampire with obsessive-compulsive disorder and a psychiatrist who doesn't believe him or that she's the key to helping him keep the dead from walking the earth. With the vamp's new germ phobia, he hasn't fed in quite some time. When he doesn't feed, he throws off the balance of death, causing the death to walk the earth alongside humans. Not a good thing.

Isn't that a cool cover? It fits the hero and heroine to a T. The way the men's shoes are together and laces are just so epitomizes the hero's need for order. And the psychiatrist's free-spirited self matches the toppled red shoes.

This is my first book in New Concepts Publishing's Harmony line. The hero and heroine are both Hispanic. That's a departure for me. I'm interested in seeing if this venture works for me.

Here's the blurb: Elaine is the Ayudante, the protector. Problem is, no one ever bothered to tell her about her legacy from her father--that she is destined to protect the Prince of Darkness himself, sexy, seriously neurotic, Seth Overkill. And she'd rather eat nails than have anything to do with bloodsuckers, be this one ever so sexy and in dire need of her help.

Seth isn't the only one in need, however. The Day of Reckoning is coming, and as weakened as Seth has become by his problems, he won't be able to stop the dead from rising from their graves to walk the earth without her help.

Click here to read an excerpt.

Happy reading!


Thanks so much, Jennifer! Yeah, who knew that a marathon of "Monk" and "Buffy" would spawn this? *LOL*


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